Mayo Clinic - Clinical Studies
Mayo Clinic Study - QuickChanges Are 100% Clinically Successful In Preventing Pressure Injuries
A review of the Mayo Clinic Phoenix's Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury (HAPI) data from January to early May 2018 demonstrated 3 mucosal pressure injury (MPRI) related to (r/t) the use of indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) and 9 HAPI r/t urinary incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD).
30 male incontinent patients who needed urinary containment were observed. 21 patients were put on QuickChanges, 4 had adult BWAP, and 3 had external containment devices, 2 with IUC. Zero (0%) of the 21 patients with penile disposable absorbent wrap developed any HAPI or urinary IAD. 7 of the patients who did not utilize the penile disposable absorbent developed HAPI from incontinence while the 2 patients who utilized IUC developed MPRI.
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